The Gobbler | Festive Food & Foodshare Partnership
Fall Is Here! Festive Food & Foodshare Partnership
With Thanksgiving and fall upon us, we’re excited to share Thankful Turkey updates, our favorite pumpkin-inspired recipe (yes, we're eating our feelings, too), and more about our partnership with Foodshare, our local Feeding America food bank partner.

"In a normal year, Foodshare serves 118,000 people in Connecticut. Right now we're feeding over 1,000 people per day, many who are new to food insecurity. Foodshare is honored to partner with Miller Farms and bring the spirit of Thanksgiving to our community through the Thankful Turkey," says Jason Jakubowski, President & CEO of Foodshare.
How you can support Foodshare this Thanksgiving holiday season:
- Gift a Turkey: You want to give a turkey (or more turkeys) for families in need. You can gift a turkey to Foodshare through our website here.
- Give Your Time: Volunteering looks a little different this year, but there is still a need. You can learn about opportunities here.
- Buy a Thankful Turkey: One turkey for you, one turkey for a family in need. The best. You can purchase one here.
Thankful Turkey Update

This year, we’re only selling 2,500 free-range Thankful Turkeys online, all 10-12 lb each. We've already sold 500+ turkeys, and secured 500+ turkeys for families in need.
We recommend purchasing your turkey(s) early before we sell out. Turkeys will not be sold after November 15th, and pick up is not available.
We can ship anywhere in the continental United States, so if you’re having a virtual T-Day, we’ve got you covered.
Shipping will be the week before Thanksgiving, with turkeys delivered by November 20, 2020.
Thanksgiving Recipes
This fall, we’re sharing Thanksgiving inspired recipes from our family and community. Send us your favorites to be featured:
Nothing says fall like pumpkin everything! Pumpkin pie, baby pumpkins on the front porch, pumpkin spice (coming soon to our online store).
Here is our family's Pumpkin Bread recipe from Camlyn. We eat Pumpkin Bread on Thanksgiving morning, warmed with butter on top, while watching the parade. It represents the beginning of our favorite food day of the year. Thanksgiving 2020 will be different, but there will be pumpkin bread!
You can shop for Thankful Turkeys or Limited Edition 2020 Aprons, and share our website with loved ones anytime!
Love & Gobble Gobble,
The Miller Farms Family